A Cathedral Welcome
Dean John tells us about Coventry Cathedral's welcome.
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Dean John tells us about Coventry Cathedral's welcome.
This year Mothering Sunday falls on Sunday 10th March. We talk to Dean John about the historical significance of Mothering Sunday and the role of Coventry Cathedral as Mother Church for the diocese.
On Monday 26th February, the General Synod of the Church of England voted to recommit to the goal of achieving a loving, serving, and worshipping Christian community in every significant social housing estate.
We chat to the Revd Eleanor Jeans (Associate Vicar at St Paul's Leamington) to find out what is happening at their Mission Hub.
We are delighted to announce that the Net Zero Quick Win Fund (NZQW) is now open for applications.
Bishop Ruth has recorded a message to the whole diocese for the start of Lent.
In Matthew’s gospel, Jesus said “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew, 19:14). Jesus placed children at the centre of his teachings and the Church need children and young people to be at the centre of our plans.
The Revd Richard Moore, a Self Supporting Minister at St Nicholas, Kenilworth, writes a reflection on the Holy Trinity of mind, body and spirit.
Racial Justice Sunday is coming up on the 11th February. Neil Masih, our diocesan Intercultural Mission Enabler, writes about this year's theme and the resources available.
This month we have been looking at the theme of Healthy People as we implement the Restored Health aspect of our vision: To be Bearers of Life. In line with this we explore the importance of taking time out to enjoy hobbies.