Bishop's Council

What is the Bishop's Council?

The Bishop's Council is the senior committee of the Diocese and acts in several different capacities.

As the Standing Committee of the Diocesan Synod, the Council:

  • Advises the Bishop in Council
  • Prepares agendas for the Diocesan Synod (delegated to the Business Committee)
  • Develops policy for the Synod to debate
  • Receives tasks from the Synod

As the Directors and Trustees of the DBF it:

  • Is responsible for central diocesan finances
  • Approves the DBF's budget and the annual Report and Accounts before presentation to Synod
  • Is responsible for complying with legislation

As the Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee (DMPC) it:

  • Has oversight of Diocesan Deployment
  • Considers and authorises pastoral schemes
  • Interacts with the Deanery Pastoral Committees

Membership of the Council as of September 2023

The Council is made up of a mixture of ex-offico, elected and appointed members. The members are:

Ex Officio:

The Rt Revd Ruth Worsley (Acting Bishop of Coventry)
Vacant (Bishop of Warwick)
The Very Revd John Witcombe (Dean of Coventry)
The Ven Barry Dugmore (Archdeacon Missioner)

The Revd Tim Cockell (Acting Archdeacon Pastor
Chris Baker (Acting Chair of the DBF)
The Revd Claire McArthur (Chair of the House of Clergy of the Diocesan Synod)
Phil Sewards (Chair of the House of Laity of the Diocesan Synod)

Elected Clergy:

The Revd Andy Batchelor

The Revd Kay Dyer

The Revd Alison Evans

The Revd Barry Jackson

The Revd Jonathan Jee

The Revd Stephen Parker

The Revd David Poultney

Elected Laity:

Chris Baker

John Elton

Jo King

Marion MacLellan

Sarah Mount

Ogechi Ngemegwai

Tim Pollard

Sue Williams

The Bishop's nominees and co-opted members on Bishop's Council are:

DAC nomination - vacant

DBE Nomination - The Revd April Gold

Bishop's Nominee - The Revd Esther Peers (Dean of Women's Ministry)

Bishop's Nominee - The Revd Anita Morgan (Dean of Self-Supporting Ministry)

Bishop's Nominee - Emili Lowery

The Secretary to the Bishop's Council is the Diocesan Secretary.

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