How do I whistleblow about safeguarding?

If you consider a child, young person or adult is at risk of immediate harm, call the police on 999 or Adult or Children’s Services. You should also contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser within 24 hours.

Otherwise, if you have concerns that proper safeguarding practice is not being followed with regard to the activities of the Church of England in this diocese, please read the remainder of this page.

Whistleblowing at a parish level

Paid staff, volunteers and church members are encouraged to acknowledge their individual responsibility to bring matters of unacceptable practice, performance or behaviour to the attention of the Incumbent and Parish Safeguarding Officer.

If this is not possible, or you are not satisfied with their response, concerns should be shared with the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser.

Whistleblowing at a diocesan level

To report wrongdoing or dangers in relation to our safeguarding activities, please contact the Diocesan Secretary:

Jacqueline Ladds
Tel: 024 7652 1307

If you are not satisfied with her response (or if your concern relates to the Diocesan Secretary) you should inform the Acting Bishop of Coventry:

The Rt Revd Ruth Worsley
Tel: 024 7667 2244

If you are still not satisfied, you should take the following action:

Inform the Chair of the Diocesan Safeguarding Scrutiny Group;
If that action is ineffective, inform the National Safeguarding Advisor;
If that action is ineffective, inform the lead Bishop for safeguarding.

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