Mission Hub Churches

Mission Hub Churches are part of our vision of opening 150 new worshipping communities by the end of 2030. 

A Mission Hub Church is a parish church or benefice where the leaders and congregation have a developed vision for sharing in mission locally and a clearly expressed desire to resource others in mission, evangelism, and enabling new ways of being Church.

Many of Mission Hub Churches have larger congregations, with people coming from beyond the parish but also willing to help grow the church in the community they live in. The churches partner with smaller churches in their area irrespective of tradition or style of worship.

The Mission Hub Churches offer a gathering point where people can come from local churches. They facilitate learning together (especially for lay leaders/teams), encourage and share good practice, and develop local mentoring between churches. They can be compared to a modern-day version of a minster church, serving and equipping churches around them. The churches enable the development of new congregations, drawing on central resources to support this work.

Any church can work with their nearest Mission Hub Church. Together they can identify what needs the church has to grow and what gifts and experience they could share with others in the hub network. This enables the sharing of our gifts for mission and ministry in new ways between different churches and traditions. A Mission Hub Church can also work with a church in any other part of the diocese that it has a particular relationship with in order to facilitate mission.

We currently have six Mission Hub Churches, they are:

  • St Laurence's, Foleshill, Coventry
  • The Bridge Mission Hub, Coventry
  • St Paul's, Leamington Spa
  • Alcester Minster, Alcester
  • Bedworth Mission Hub, Bedworth
  • St Andrew's, Rugby
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