How churches across the diocese are celebrating the coronation

The King and Queen with Bishop Christopher and Dean John during a visit to Coventry Cathedral in 2021.

The Coronation of King Charles III is taking place on the 6th May at Westminster Abbey. Churches across the diocese will be marking this historic occasion with services and community events.

Coventry Cathedral will be hosting three main events across the weekend. They will be running a drop-in craft activity on the 6th May. Visitors will be able to explore the cathedral like a king or queen in their very own crown. There will be free decoration spots located around the cathedral, so the more you explore the jazzier your crown will be. On the 7th May, Coventry Cathedral will be hosting a lunchtime celebration organ recital. From 12.15 to 12.45, acting Director of Music, Luke Fitzgerald, will give a Coronation themed organ recital featuring music by Handel, Boyce, Purcell and finishing with William Walton’s ‘Crown Imperial’. At 4pm on the 7th, there will be a service in the cathedral. Bishop Christopher will be preaching and the boy and girl choristers, Clerks and Scholars of the Cathedral Choir will be singing.

Over in Nuneaton, St Nicolas will be hosting the Nuneaton Civic and Community service at 10am on the 7th May. At St James, Nuneaton there will be a celebration service at 10am. Both churches will be holding picnic lunches after their services. On Monday 8th, St Nicolas and St James are participating in the Big Help Out by litter-picking around the local community.

Holy Trinity, Stratford-upon-Avon, will be showing a live screening of the coronation followed by a bring and share lunch in their parish centre. Tea/coffee will be provided, with prosecco (and an alcohol free alternative) will be available for purchase for the loyal toast. 

St Nicholas’ Church in Alcester invites people to come and join them between 10am & 2pm on the 6th May for a live screening on the coronation, refreshments and fun activities. Come and design a crown, paint a picture, colour in a keepsake mug and take a selfie on their “royal throne” as well as writing a congratulations letter or drawing a picture to send to His Majesty. The church will be decorated by their extremely talented flower arrangers with a coronation theme.

Claverdon and Preston Baget churches are going all out for the coronation weekend. There will be a live screening of the coronation with canapés and fizz from 10am in Claverdon church centre. Then from 2pm, the party continues with cake and cava in the Dorothea Mitchell hall. On Sunday 7th, there will be a children and community parade, country dancing performance, a coronation barbecue and games for children. The celebrations continue on the 8th May with the opening of the King’s Garden, the village commemoration for the coronation. In the afternoon there will be a coronation cricket match. Find out more on the Claverdon coronation website.

St Mark’s in Coventry will be having a coronation party on the 7th May. Bishop Christopher will be joining them for their 10.30am service and afterwards there will be refreshments, a bake-off competition, a bouncy castle and games and activities.  

There are many more events taking place across our churches. Keep an eye out for local community events and celebrations at your local church on A Church Near You. Do send any photos you have from your events to to be featured on the diocesan website and social media pages.

First published on: 28th April 2023
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