2022 Advent Retreat


Bishop John is offering an online retreat to explore God’s call and invitation to us today.

This is God’s call through the prophets in challenging and critical times “Come to me”, “Return to me”. We also hear from the mouth of Jesus, again and again, “Come to me”.

This retreat will give us the opportunity to hear and receive afresh this invitation which is always in the present tense. It will explore the different ways and means God uses in and through the ordinary circumstances of our lives to issue this same invitation.

You are invited to be part of this retreat on Saturday 26th November from 10:00 am to 3:30 pm.

Alternatively, if you can’t make that date, you can listen to the retreat talks at any other throughout Advent.

How to register

It is recommended that you register for this retreat via the diocesan Equip Hub.  Please click here and then select the Register button.

Alternatively, please send an email to graeme.pringle@coventry.anglican.org

First published on: 21st November 2022
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